Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 2 - Hey, know just " Joggin' and Bloggin' " (Hours 5 - 10)

Guess what time I had to wake up this morning? Three a.m.
Guess what time I had to be at the office? 4:45.

This sounds crazy and when I first started this internship, I was thinking it was crazy. But it also made me realize that I get up and intern with some of the most fun people ever. So...waking up at three isn't bad at all. In fact, I've learned to go to bed at eight and you will not look or feel like a complete zombie the next day.

As I arrived at 4:45 this morning, I helped get the studio ready and prepare for the early show. Specifically, I run the stories to Speedy, I set up the computer, I make the coffee, and today I learned what button starts the show.

Greg said, "Move this knob to turn down the commercials and then press this "ON" button at 04:59:40 to start the show. Now, don't mess this up because this shoots signals to people in New York City warning them that we are starting the show. I've had passed interns who completely screwed this up."
(A little nervous, but it's just a button. How hard is that?)

I'm turning down the commercial knob.....and 59:40 comes and I press the button....turns out, it was the wrong "ON" button. So, he laughed at me and I'll officially be the intern that pressed the wrong "ON" button. But hey, we live and we learn.

As the later show arrived at six, I recorded and answered phones.
Around eight, I was able to go on the show and get my nickname. I am now " Joggin' and Bloggin' "

It was an exciting, fun day to be a Rick and Bubba Intern.

Joggin' and Bloggin'

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